“Performance through education for people and organizations”
is our strategic goal.
If people feels confident in their knowledge and skills they became more proactive, with great attitude and approach, reliable asset for clients, prospects, company, family and society. This is the infrastructure we help to build, the factories, highways and other infrastructure will be easier after.

How we work with you and your organization:

Identify needs and expected benefits, prioritize and clarify knowledge, skills and attitude to enhance.

Build workshops and training sessions, complete them with projects, joint calls, coaching, lectures.

Combine them into adaptive and practical programs suitable for various teams into your organization

Deliver on interactive courses and mentoring and coaching sessions, on the workplace

Evaluate behavior changes and give constructive feedback, reports with development plans.
You have a vision to implement.
Some parts and today’s aspects need changes, realign, transform or innovate.
Our programs will prepare your teams with knowledge, skills and attitude for the change:
MENTOR Management
managers will exercise how to plan, organize people’s activities, to manage human resources by recruit and select right skills, coordinate and conduct projects, control and evaluate results, lead and train people for group and individual performance.
- Salesteams Management
- Human Resources Management
- Time Management
- Leadership
- Advanced communication skills –Transactional Analysis for managers
- Train the trainer
- Stress Management
- Conflict Management
- Project Management

consultants will enhance consultative skills on Selling Processes, with professional interpersonal communication techniques, persuasive negotiation and superior client services approaches.
- Organizational culture
- Selling skills and techniques
- Planning and organizing sales activities
- Merchandising skills
- Interpersonal communication for sales
- Negotiations techniques for sales
- Adapting sales to the client’s behaviors
- Advanced sales techniques
- Superior Client Services
Coaching Programs
both managers and consultants will develop coaching skills, to develop and manage personal qualities and professional competencies for their teams.
We coach managers with Coaching in7 steps™method to provide performance for their teams.

Team building Programs
a team can build a system but a system can build a team? First things first, we accelerate the team performances by exercising five team pillars: interdependence, cohesion, open direct communication, team roles and team’s mission. Once reinforced, any vision is closer now.

Why choose our training programs:
A. Management training programs focused on proactive management and leadership skills
B. Premium team building programs with international licenses -Life Orientations ® and Human Synergistics®
C. Selling skills training programs focused on consultative selling and customer satisfaction
D. Coaching programs to develop line and middle managers
E. Mystery shopping projects to evaluate people and selling processes qualities
F. Organizational development projects to initiate/help management systems in order to decrease employee’s turnover
G. Open courses on clients demands and comprehensive rapports and suggestions
- 10 practitioner trainers team, with gained expertise in multinational firms
- more than 600 courses and programs since 2001, for over 300 companies, multinationals and SME
- international top licenses: Life Orientations®, Human Synergistics®.
- the only training company in Romania to deliver with coaching in 7 steps™ method
- the only training company in Romania to deliver with Social Styles® model, W. Merrill
- over 80 national open trainings since 2006
- over 60 team building courses since 2005, specialized in 6 – 160 members teams
- mini-MBA programs with courses, mentoring and coaching sessions, on the job trainings, joint calls, so.
- pioneers in Romania to deliver Self-conducted team development programs
- our approach: attitude first, knowledge and skills follows
- internal training system’s support: Pilula de Training – since 2006, techniques and best practices
- other complementary services for organizations and individuals: books, assessments

For more details please contact:
Radu Nechita – training partner MENTOR Training
0740-101764, contact@mentortraining.ro
Energetic, professional and experienced trainer and consultant, with 16 years of career in the financial services industry: stock exchange market, insurance & banking – 1996-2005, both as manager and trainer, and total of 21 years’ experience in commodities and services selling, Radu has a relevant background in selling skills and management, including interpersonal communication, persuasive negotiations, team management and training, team diagnosis and development, organizational culture analysis and business coaching.
His tailor made training programs and expertise are for high value sales systems, consultative and long term services in industries like: banking, communication, direct sales, showroom sales, constructions, industrial production, measurement technologies, automotive, pharmaceutical and medical services, tourism, IT&C, FMCG, life insurance.
Trainer and manager for ING Romania: 2001-2005, Citibank Romania: 2005 and MENTOR Training: 2004 – now.
Am avut ocazia sa colaboram in programul de instruire: „Coaching Managerial” pentru echipa de management a companiei noastre, FOERCH S.R.L., cu trainerul Radu Nechita, pe care-l recomand calduros pentru astfel de programe. – Liviu Sonea – Manager General – FOERCH S.R.L.
MENTOR Training a furnizat in perioada iulie — septembrie 2015 pentru angajatii ISPAL cursurile: “Tehnici si Abilitati de Vanzare”, “Tehnici de comunicare si negociere”, “Managementul echipei si delegare” si de asemenea a implementat in cadrul organizatiei sesiunea saptamanala: “Pilula de Training”. Cursurile au fost sustinute de trainerul Radu Nechita pe care dorim sa-l recomandam pentru inaltul nivel de pregatire si profesionalism. – Cristina Elena Butnariu -Manager Resurse Umane – ISPAL S.R.L. Alte feedback-uri aici!